Coordinator UM

Lecture is an actual overview of most important examples in sustainable rehabilitation in urban development from the 20th Century up to today. Main characteristic typologies are presented such as: Public infrastructure and public space, Waterfront regeneration, Housing and urban mix, Community centered regeneration, Flagship/iconic project regeneration, Culture led regeneration and Brownfield regeneration. 

Lecture is describing the historical context of urban development, from first settlements, ancient cities, to contemporary metropolises and smart city development. Lecture is presenting the theory of urban development upon selected examples. Rehabilitation is a constant process in cities, but perceived and performed differently according to historic period. 

The lecture will give introduction in the field of sustainable rehabilitation in architecture. The rehabilitation addresses architecture with historic and cultural legacy, the 19th and 20th Century industrial buildings as well as the huge share of housing estates and other typologies of built environment.  We present traditional approaches to rehabilitation of buildings that refer to structural improvements, material reinforcements but also programmatic adaptations. In general, they are divided in four different directions : a) preservation fixes the building in its found state, making no attempt to repair or improve it but ensuring that, so far as such a thing is possible, it is immune from further decay; b) restoration returns the building to its as-built state using period materials and techniques to create the illusion that it has been untouched by time; c) renovation renews and updates the building to make it suitable for contemporary life; d) remodeling (referred to as Adaptive Reuse in the USA) locates an entirely new function within an existing building, which may be substantially modified to accept that interjection. The lecture will mostly focus on renovation and remodeling.